Sunday, April 1, 2018

Looking Back At Season Eleven: Regrets, I've Had a Few...

Looking back on all that Season Eleven had wrought:

1) Still not enough Darin Morgan.

2) The shift of the Mytharc away from "OMG Aliens are here and taking us over with clones and cyborgs!" to "OMG William is a whiny emo why are we even trying to save him?" has gotta hurt.

3) I've been following Lucas the Spider instead.

4) Actually I've just found this one YouTuber doing X-Files reviews and she's kinda about on the same page as I am with the whole "William is a whiny emo" thing:

5) If there is going to be a Season Twelve, Chris Carter needs to give up on bullsh-tting his way out of the corner he's painted himself into, go back to the points where he started screwing up the alien invasion Mytharc stuff, and fix the plot holes he still hasn't gotten around to resolving so we can get up to date on this stuff and bring back some sense of global menace that made the X-Files an unnerving show to watch.